Throughout the more than 8 years I have worked with Objective Corporation, we have run hundreds of public facing campaigns. Whether that is for the overarching corporation or at a product level, I created a distinct look and feel for all campaigning activity that followed a series of guidelines. This created clarity for everyone in the process, and allowed us all to dramatically increase output and shorten deadlines, increasing the number of campaigns that could be in market at any one time.

A set suite of assets (usually 8 or so) for both publishing and campaigning were produced seamlessly. Where we could showcase product we did, where we could showcase assets we did – and where we were talking on a conceptual level, I developed a series of illustrations to convey the ideas. These “Little People” were taken up wholeheartedly by Objective and applied in all parts of the business, from events to product, campaigning and infographics.

  • Campaign Assets
  • Overarching Product and Brand Look and Feel
  • Delivery of design across a range of mediums
  • Ongoing brand work
  • Collaborative Projects